Surabaya Girl

Surabaya Girl
Photo Surabaya Girl, yes ... I am living in Surabaya City, Indonesia. 
Surabaya is a metropolitan city number two in Indonesia, after Jakarta. Girl in Surabaya was pretty lost when compared with girls of Jakarta. But every city must have its distinctive characteristics of each other.

I have a girl friend in Jakarta, she had a restaurant business there. if one day I went to Jakarta or traveling on Jakarta, I will visit her. I miss her and took off and want learn how to open a restaurant like her. Exactly, I want have my own business. but I want to have a business in Surabaya, because I am Surabaya Girl. heheehe :)

Jakarta it was crowded and all can be easily obtained. but I prefer stay in Surabaya. I am Surabaya girl and live in Surabaya. if I'm out of town, it is traveling or I have business in out town . When the traveling or business is finished, I'd be back to Surabaya and continue to strive to achieve my future goals to become successful people in Surabaya.

Not a Photo Model

This Girl photo when I am with my friend.the atmosphere is very fitting for the photographs and the beautiful scenery really so fitting for the style and take pictures.I was very pleased when he wants to photograph me in that place.Lika as a model aja, but less good because I'm not a photo model he ... he ..
When I can take foto in that place again ?

Photo Girl

photo girl. 
photo girl struggling in the face of life. to achieve future goals and objectives to improve life for the better.always learning and trying to get better.
I will try to take pictures in every struggle, and I put in the blog photo album. so in the future I can remember going to the days when I struggled and I can take a lesson.

Cewek Rambut Extension

hehe ... aku kasih judul rambut extension, karena aku pengen ngambil foto aku waktu masih rambut ku di extension. entar kalau extensionnya sudah lepas, kan bisa ngeliat blog album photo ku ini kalau mau pasang lagi model rambut panjang :)

dulu aku sebelum mau extension, aku juga lihat foto model cewek rambut extension. dan aku tertarik ama model cewek rambut panjang dan lebat. tapi aku cuma extension biasa, kan cuma sementara aja. Entar kalau rambutku sudah panjang sendiri ya gak pakai extension. rambutku sih udah panjang  , tapi aku pengen biar kelihatan lebih panjang lagi ;)

Photo Girl Srikandi

Photo Girl Srikandi  is a blog girl photo collection of my photos , Indonesian girl.Blog photos of this girl, all are the images  that I take when I go out of town or traveling, sometimes when I was in my sights and activities daily.

Actually I was not beautiful or interesting, but I like taking photos and I like to upload my own photo. so this girl's photo blog as an online photo album for me.

So if you like see, watching and visiting my blog girl photo, please just comment here and if you want to see what photos, If I can I will take the photo and I'll upload the photo in my photo girl blog.


ini aku habis jalan-jalan dari legian.
dan mampir di restoran masakan ITALY dekat pantai kuta.
sebelum aku pesen makanan ambil foto dulu deh.
hasilnya lumayan bagus sich dengan pemandangan yang hijau.

Photo In The Pool

This my photo in the pool at the hotel residence Silq, Bali. Yeah its swimming pool is free and private, so in the pool that we are swimming freely without fear of unknown others. so I can take videos and photos, and there are private photos that did not we alone in his free swimming pool was a bikini:)

ini foto ku waktu di kolam renang di hotel residence Silq, Bali. Iya kolam renang nya itu bebas dan private, jadi di kolam renang itu bebas kita saja yang renang tanpa takut diketahui orang lain. makanya aku bisa ambil video dan foto foto, dan ada foto yang private yang memang kalau kita sendirian di kolam renang kan bebas renang ber bikini :)

Kolam Renang Hotel

Ini photo aku waktu di Liburan di Bali kemarin, aku ber foto di kolam renang hotel di room Hotel yang aku tempatin. Iya... setiap kamar mempunyai kolam renang sendiri, jadi kolam renangnya private banget untuk kita yang menempatin room itu.

Photo Srikandi in Jatim Park

Photo Srikandi in Jatim Park.
Jatim park is one of holiday place in Malang City, East Java Indonesia.

Jatim park adalah lokasi wisata yang menyenangkan, dengan banyak taman nya dan tempat hiburan bagi keluarga.
ada tempat untuk belajar, ada kebun buah, ada kolam renang dan berbagai macam permainan lain nya.

photo srikandi

Originally uploaded by srikandi19
Photo Srikandi in Waterfall Mardakaripura, Bromo Mountain at east java Indonesia.

Ini foto aku waktu di Air Tejun setelah jalan-jalan melihat pemandangan Gunung Bromo


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Traveling Bromo

I am when traveling to Bromo and take photos my self.
Traveling to bromo is very enjoy because Bromo have wonderful adn sexy panorama.
But in there the situation is veru cold, we must use jacket and double clothes.

If you like traveling, don't forget going to bromo and shoot the wonderful and sexy panorama in bromo mountain.

Background Photo Panorama

I am take photo with background Panorama from my room.
I going raveling to other city and get photo at the moment place.
Sometimes, I shoot photo with swimming pool be background and different time, I shoot photo with road and outdoor background panorama.

Foto pakai Kamera HP Nokia E71

Aku foto foto pakai kamera HP Nokia E71, tapi hasilnya kurang bagus dan buram.
bagaimana lagi, HP aku yg lama sudah aku jual dan aku ganti hp nokia E71 tapi kamera nya jelek.
enggak apa-apa lah yg penting bisa ngambil foto, entar klo aku punya uang aku beli hp lagi yg second saja yang kamera nya bagus :)

kalau mau beli kamera digital, entar aja klo punya uang lebih

Srikandi in Long Hair

I am when Long hair a few month ago.
I miss with my long hair, so I upload my photo to remember it.
Semoga rambut aku cepat panjang lagi, karena kebanyakan teman-teman aku bilanmg kalau aku lebih cantik dengan rambut panjang.
Bagaimana menurut teman-teman yg lain ?
cantik rambut panjang atau aku rambut pendek ;)

Srikandi in Red

Srikandi Indonesia in red dress. Aku kelihatan sexy dan cantik kan ?
this photo take when traveling on Malang city.
waktu aku di Malang, aku jalan jalan ke tempat wisata dan sekaligus liburan.
Terima kasih ya, yang sudah ngajak aku setelah lomba futsal :)
besok aku tunggu jalan jalan nya lagi
dan ngambil photo photo lagi ya

Girl in Bed Room

I'm pose in Bed Room.
I am srikandi a beauty girl, right ?
but People can't always young or always beautiful.
All people absolutely be old and die ...
before that, I want have good memories and be good girl.

Sexy Girl

This my Photo, sexy huh ?
I am girl from Surabaya, Indonesia.
The Photo is last years, when my hair still long hair.
Now my hair model is short hair

Office Girl

If I work in Office, I will like this.
My photo wear office uniform.
andai aku kerja di kantor dan jadi wanita karier, aku akan berpenampilan seperti ini.
jadi sekretaris, cantik kan ?
tapi aku tidak punya ijazah sarjana.

with Lingerie

I am with lingerie
pas aku mau membeli Lingerie di mall, aku mencoba banyak lingerie, tapi aku foto yang tidka kelihatan wajah aku seperti di no 2.
Dan aku mms kan ke orang yang membelikan aku lingerie, minta pendapatnya.
akhirnya aku cuma beli 2 Lingerie
obat kuat