Photo Girl Srikandi

Photo Girl Srikandi  is a blog girl photo collection of my photos , Indonesian girl.Blog photos of this girl, all are the images  that I take when I go out of town or traveling, sometimes when I was in my sights and activities daily.

Actually I was not beautiful or interesting, but I like taking photos and I like to upload my own photo. so this girl's photo blog as an online photo album for me.

So if you like see, watching and visiting my blog girl photo, please just comment here and if you want to see what photos, If I can I will take the photo and I'll upload the photo in my photo girl blog.

1 comment:

  1. Pagi yang cerah ketika bersamamu
    malam yang indah ketika mendengarkan suara mu
    hati yang bahagia ketika memiliki mu selamanya

    Lia Arifin


Please comment with English Language and don't be vulgar

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